Can Cavoodles Be Left Alone?

As a fellow dog lover and owner of an adorable cavoodle, I've faced the same question that many of you are probably wrestling with - can cavoodles be left alone?


It's a critical question we need to address to ensure the wellbeing of these lovable little furballs. After considerable research and personal experience, I've gathered some valuable insights, which I am excited to share with you in this blog post.


So, whether you're a veteran cavoodle owner, a new parent, or considering bringing one of these bundles of joy into your home, you'll find this information helpful in understanding and caring for your cavoodle.


Let's dive in, shall we?


What is Separation Anxiety?


Have you ever noticed your furry friend acting a bit unusual when you're about to leave the house? Maybe they start whining or pacing, or perhaps they become hyperactive. These might be the tell-tale signs of separation anxiety in your cavoodle.


As a loving parent of furbabies, I know it can be distressing to see your cavoodle in such a state.


Separation anxiety is a condition that makes your dog feel extremely nervous and distressed when they're left alone or separated from their loved ones. It's more than just a little bit of sadness on their part - it's a genuine condition that can have a significant impact on their wellbeing.


Cavoodles, in particular, are known for being sociable and affectionate breeds. They form strong bonds with their human families, so they can be more prone to developing this type of anxiety. They're such loving dogs that they just can't stand the thought of being away from you!


But don't worry; with a little bit of understanding and patience, you can help your cavoodle manage this anxiety better.


Can Cavoodles be Left Alone, or Do Cavoodles Get Separation Anxiety?


can i leave my cavoodle home alone


Yes, cavoodles can indeed experience separation anxiety. As a cavoodle owner myself, I've seen firsthand how my little buddy can get upset when I'm about to leave for work.


They're such social creatures, and their capacity for love and attachment is truly remarkable. However, this also means they can feel a deep sense of distress when they're left alone.


It's heartbreaking to see, but remember, it's not a reflection of any lack in their care. It's simply a part of their ultra-affectionate nature and their desire to be with their families.


As owners, we must understand this and take steps to ensure our cavoodles feel secure even when we're not around.


Signs That Your Cavoodle is Stressed When Left Alone


Just like us, our cavoodles exhibit certain signs when they're feeling stressed or anxious. I've been through this with my own cavoodle, and I thought it would be helpful to share what I've learned about recognising these signs.


This way, we can better understand our fur babies and provide them with the care they need.


  1. Excessive Barking or Howling: If your cavoodle is barking or howling more than usual, especially when you're not around, this could be a sign of separation anxiety. My Henry used to do this a lot, and I realised it was their way of expressing distress.
  2. Pacing or Restlessness: You might notice your cavoodle pacing in a fixed pattern or appearing restless when you're about to leave. It was tough to see my cavoodle puppy so distressed, and it was one of the first signs that clued me into their anxiety.
  3. Destructive Behavior: If you're coming home to chewed furniture or other forms of destruction, it might be due to separation anxiety. My cavoodle went through a phase of this, and it was a clear sign that they were not comfortable being left alone.
  4. Accidents in the House: Even if your cavoodle is fully potty-trained, they might have accidents in the house when you're away. This can be another sign of separation anxiety. I was surprised when this happened, but I learned that it's a common sign of distress in cavoodles.


Remember, every cavoodle is unique, and they may not show all these signs. But if you're noticing any of these behaviors, it may be worth considering whether your dog is dealing with separation anxiety.


Can I Leave My Cavoodle Home Alone While I Go to Work?


can i leave my cavoodle home alone


Yes, you can leave your cavoodle home alone while you go to work, but it's essential to ensure your pet is comfortable and secure in your absence.


Training them to handle separation can be beneficial. Start with short periods and gradually increase the time they spend alone. Equip your home with engaging toys to keep them occupied and consider having a dog walker or a neighbor check in on them. It's also imperative to maintain a consistent routine - this helps your Cavoodle understand when to expect you home.


To assist, I've compiled a list of some useful tips for when you leave your cavoodle alone.


Useful tips for when you leave your cavoodle alone


Leaving your Cavoodle alone might be inevitable at times, and it's essential to know how to handle such situations. I've had to figure out how to keep my Cavoodle content when I'm not around, and I'm here to share some tips that have worked for me:


  1. Establish a Routine: Cavoodles, like most dogs, thrive on routine. Regular feeding times, walks, and play times can help them understand when you'll be gone and when you'll be back. I started setting a routine for my Cavoodle, and it seemed to alleviate some of their anxiety.
  2. Create a Comfortable Environment: Make sure your Cavoodle has a comfortable space to rest while you're away. I always leave some toys, water, and a cozy bed for my Cavoodle before I leave.
  3. Keep Them Occupied: Before leaving, I always ensure that my Cavoodle has enough toys to play with. They particularly love puzzle toys that keep them mentally stimulated. Stimulating your cavoodle mentally before leaving tires them out so while you are gone they are more likely to sleep. Fun fact did you know spending 15 minutes using their brain and nose in this way can be just as tiring as walking for an hour, so it’s a great way to get them to burn energy!
  4. Training: I've found that training sessions can be instrumental in teaching my Cavoodle to be calm when I'm not around. We've been using positive reinforcement techniques, and it's been very effective.
  5. Gradual Introduction: If your Cavoodle is new to being left alone, it's essential to gradually increase the duration. I started by leaving my Cavoodle alone for short periods and slowly increased the time.
  6. Consider a Pet Sitter: On the days when I need to be away for a long time, I hire a pet sitter. It has been a great help in ensuring my Cavoodle is not alone for extended periods.
  7. Tire them out: before leaving home it's a good idea to ensure your cavoodles energy has been run down. Exercising them before you leave the house or for work means they won't become bored and destructive while you are gone and there is a better chance they will sleep and be calm while you are gone. 


Remember, every Cavoodle is different, and what works for mine might not work for yours. Sometimes investing in a camera to watch them while you are gone is a good way to see how they behave at home when you're not there. 


The key is patience and understanding. It may take some time, but with the right approach, you can help your Cavoodle feel more comfortable when left alone.


Caring for a Cavoodle is no small commitment, but it's one that comes with immeasurable rewards. From my personal experience, it's clear that with a bit of patience, lots of love, and the right strategies, Cavoodles can indeed be left alone safely.


Gradual desensitisation, investing in interactive toys, creating a safe space, and considering doggy daycare or pet sitters are all effective ways to make the separation easier on your furry friend. Remember, every dog is unique and might respond differently to these methods.


The key is consistency and understanding your Cavoodle's needs. It might be a bumpy journey at first, but in the end, you'll find a balance that works for both you and your Cavoodle.