How Can I Stop My Cavoodle Puppy Biting?

One of the stages of our favourite breed while they grow up is the notorious 'cavoodle puppy biting' phase.


In the early stages, this might seem cute and harmless, but as their teeth grow sharper, their bites can cause discomfort, primarily when they target tender areas like toes and ankles or even your child's tiny fingers.


Remember, this is a normal part of their growth and development, just like teething in human babies. It's a phase they'll eventually outgrow with proper training and patience.


In this article, I'll be sharing some effective training techniques, tips on diverting their biting to toys or treats, and handling situations like a cavoodle puppy biting a child.


Understanding Biting: A Normal Part of Growing Up


How Can I Stop My Cavoodle Puppy Biting?


As a cavoodle owner, it's essential to understand that biting is a perfectly normal part of your puppy's development. At this phase, your little cavoodle is like a curious toddler, exploring the world around them with their mouth.


You might often find them gnawing on anything they can get their tiny paws on, be it their chew toys, furniture, or even your toes and ankles!


This behaviour is particularly prominent during their teething period, which generally starts around three weeks and lasts until they're six months old. During this period, puppies lose their baby teeth, and adult teeth begin to emerge, causing discomfort and prompting them to bite on objects (or people) to soothe their gums.


As surprising as it may seem, this is your puppy's natural way to alleviate the pain. Rest assured, this is not aggressive behaviour but merely a phase they're going through, and with proper training and guidance, they can be taught to overcome their biting habit.


The Teething Phase: Why Your Cavoodle Puppy Bites


How Can I Stop My Cavoodle Puppy Biting?


As a cavoodle parent myself, I've been through the stages of puppy teething, and I can assure you it can be quite a challenging time. During this phase, our little cavoodle's mouth is as busy as ever.


Losing Baby Teeth and Growing Adult Teeth


They are losing their baby teeth, and their adult ones are starting to come in. This process can cause them discomfort, and they'll instinctively chew on things to help ease the irritation.


Exploring the World and Learning


But remember, it's not just about the physical discomfort. Our curious cavoodles explore their world and learn about their surroundings during this stage. Every texture and taste is a new experience for them, and biting is their way of making sense of it all.


Guiding Them through the Phase


However, it's crucial to remember that our role as responsible cavoodle parents is to guide them through this phase, teaching them what is acceptable to chew on and what isn't.


Normal Growth and Development


If your cavoodle puppy has been biting you or gnawing on the furniture, please don't be alarmed. This is a normal part of their growth and development. With patience, persistence, and the proper guidance, your cavoodle will soon learn to overcome this habit.


Training Techniques


The struggle of having a cavoodle puppy that bites and chews on absolutely everything can be a lot to handle. It might seem like a monumental task, but with patience, consistency, and the proper training techniques, this habit can be curbed.


Here are my tried and tested steps and techniques to handle biting in cavoodle puppies:


  • Redirect their Attention: Whenever your cavoodle puppy starts biting, immediately redirect their attention to a toy or chewable item. This teaches the pup that there are appropriate items to chew on.


  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your cavoodle puppy when they chew on the right things, like toys or designated chew items. Praise them verbally or with a treat. This reinforces the correct behaviour.


  • Say 'NO' Firmly, but Gently: If your cavoodle puppy bites you, say 'NO' in a firm yet gentle voice. This helps them understand that biting humans is unacceptable.


  • Provide Plenty of Exercises: A tired puppy is a well-behaved puppy. Make sure your cavoodle gets plenty of physical and mental exercise to reduce the likelihood of destructive behaviour like biting.


Now, each cavoodle puppy is different, so, to find the best way to teach them, try these techniques:


  1. Redirection Technique


This technique involves redirecting your cavoodle puppy's biting to acceptable items like toys or chew sticks. It's a simple yet effective way to teach your cavoodle what they can and cannot bite.


  1. Time-Out Technique


If your cavoodle puppy continues to bite even after redirection, you can use the time-out technique.


This means removing your attention from the puppy for a few minutes. This helps the puppy understand that biting leads to the withdrawal of your attention, which is something they don't want.


  1. Bite Inhibition Technique


This technique is about teaching your puppy to control the force of their bite. If your puppy bites you, let out a loud 'yelp' or 'ouch' and stop playing. This will surprise them, and they'll learn to be gentler.


Remember, every cavoodle puppy is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. So, experiment with these techniques and find the one that works best for your furry baby.


The Role of Puppy Preschool in Preventing Cavoodle Biting


cavoodle puppy preschool


Puppy preschool is vitally important when it comes to your cavoodle puppy biting. When I first signed up for my cavoodle, I wasn't sure if it would make a difference.


But boy, was I pleasantly surprised!


In this safe and controlled environment, my pup got to mingle with other adorable puppies and learn crucial socialisation skills. And let me tell you, seeing my fur baby realise that biting isn't cool among doggy friends was priceless!


The trainers at Puppy Preschool were total pros. They helped me understand my cavoodle's signals, like those tiny hints right before a biting incident. Plus, they gave me some excellent tips tailored to my pup's personality to prevent biting.


Puppy preschool played a massive role in shaping my cavoodle's behaviour, especially when it came to controlling those nippy tendencies. I seriously recommend it to all cavoodle owners out there.


Trust me, the investment is totally worth it for you and your furry friend in the long run.


My Cavoodle Puppy is Biting My Child: What to Do?


cavoodle biting children what to do?


Children and puppies usually become fast friends, but there can be times when your cavoodle puppy's biting becomes a problem. I've experienced this first-hand, and believe me, it can be quite a challenge.


Understanding the Behavior


The first thing I did was to understand why my cavoodle was engaging in this behaviour. It's important to remember that puppies explore the world with their mouths. Biting can be their way of engaging with their environment or could be a result of teething discomfort. Understanding this helped me take a more empathetic approach.


Implementing Distraction Techniques


Distraction was my following line of defence. When I saw my cavoodle start to nip at my child, I would introduce a toy or a chewable item. This way, my puppy could satisfy his urge to chew while my child was kept safe.


Training and Reinforcement


Training and reinforcement were vital. I taught my child to disengage when the puppy started biting, signalling to the puppy that this behaviour wouldn't be tolerated. We also reinforced good behaviour with treats and praise whenever the puppy interacted gently.


Seeking Professional Help


Despite all my efforts, there were moments when I felt overwhelmed. That's when I decided to seek a professional's help. A certified dog trainer or a behaviourist can provide tailored strategies that best suit your cavoodle's temperament and your child's safety.


Remember, patience is crucial in this process. With time, your cavoodle puppy will grow out of this biting phase, and they will become the loving and gentle companion you've always wished for.


Owning a cavoodle puppy may come with its share of challenges, not least of which is the biting phase.


But remember, this is only a phase that your puppy will eventually grow out of.


By understanding the behaviour, implementing distraction techniques, engaging in training and reinforcement, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can guide your puppy through this phase with love and patience.


Keep sight of the joyous moments your cavoodle puppy brings; every tiny victory deserves to be celebrated. After all, the journey is as rewarding as the destination, and the bond you are forging now will last a lifetime.