Why is my cavoodle puppy shedding?

It is sometimes unknown to new cavoodle parents that cavoodles have a “puppy coat” and actually shed this before they get their adult coat. If your cavoodle is between the age of 12 weeks to 6 months they could just be shedding their puppy coat. 

They are born with a single coat of soft, fluffy fur that helps regulate their body temperature. When they shed this cavoodle puppy coat and their adult coat comes through, it is usually thicker and stiffer than their puppy coat.

During this time you might find allergy or hay fever sufferers in your home may be extra sensitive to your cavoodle puppy.

Things to look out for that might not be their puppy coat shedding:

While shedding their puppy coat is normal, if your cavoodle pup has large patches of bare skin, sores, rashes, bumps or it looks inflamed it might not be shedding and you need to go take them to the vet immediately.

Why didn’t my breeder tell me my cavoodle would shed?

Some backyard breeders or pet shops will tell you cavoodles are non-shedding, hypoallergenic dogs. Believe it from me, an allergy sufferer, when I say that no cavoodle can be 100% non-shedding or perfect for anyone that may suffer from allergies or hay-fever. 

Cavoodles are definitely a low-shedding dog and are a better option for people who are sensitive to dog hair or have low-medium allergies. In saying that every cavoodle is different and there are actually many different parts of a dog that can cause allergies, including their saliva, fur and dander (skin particles). 

People can overcome minor allergies and build up a tolerance, however unfortunately I've heard of many scenarios where families buy cavoodles when their children suffer from extreme allergies and have had to re-home them.  

If you or a family member have allergies and are looking into a cavoodle, we recommend talking to any friends, family or neighbours that have cavoodles and seeing if you are able to spend short amounts of time with them to see if you can handle being around one or not.

Also you may find an F1B cavoodle that's mixed with a poodle x 1st generation cavoodle could be better suited for you as they are less likely to have straight hair like a cavalier; due to the likely hood of having a woollen or fleece coat having more poodle in their DNA. 

What can I do to stop my cavoodle puppy from shedding?

You can’t help your cavoodle puppy shedding over time or in its “puppy coat” phase. However you can help minimise it going everywhere by brushing them daily! Brushing your cavoodle regularly for 15 mins a day will not only help them get used to the routine but will actually help encourage more shedding, which will help the shedding phase be over much quicker!

The mycavoodle grooming set is the perfect starter kit for pampering and deshedding your cavoodle puppy. 


grooming set

It includes a de-shedding tool, pin and bristle brush, nail scissors, comb and slicker brush.

These mini wooden stainless steel tools are perfect for keeping your cavoodle well maintained. 

The De-Shedding tool is an open knot de-matting and de-shedding tool is what every cavoodle owner needs to maintain a knot free coat between grooms. This tool removes the undercoat, any loose fur, eliminates knots and trapped dirt to keep your cavoodles coat tangle-free. This tool will also eliminate any light shedding when used frequently. Just softly run through the coat with the open claw looking side of the tool to grab old hair.

The Pin and bristle brush is two-sided and perfect for removing fine dirt and adding shine to the coat. The pin end is great for beginners for a light detangling groom. Regular brushing with the bristle side resembles a massage on the skin and will increase oil production on your cavoodles coat, which can help reduce excessive shedding and improve the overall shine. The bristle side is also perfect to get young pups used to the brushing process early on.

The Nail Scissors are ideal for keeping their nails short to protect against scratching and nasty rips on furniture. It’s really important not to cut the live quick; this is the pink area within the nail where the nerves and blood vessels are. Cutting into the quick will cause pain and bleeding, so avoid it by at least a few millimeters. If your cavoodle has clear nails, the quick will look pink. so stop before you trim this point. If your cavoodle has dark nails, avoid the quick by cutting small slivers until you see a grey or pink oval starting to appear within the exposed part of the nail – stop when you see this. 

The Comb is perfectly designed with fine and thicker teeth to go through a thick cavoodle coat. Ideal for removal of large mats, tangles, fleas and their droppings or to carefully remove dried up tear stains under the eyes.

The Slicker Brush makes your cavoodles coat fluffy as if they've just gone to the groomers! Ideal for thick or curly-coated cavoodles with fleece or wool that require rigorous grooming to remove debris, loose hair and knots in the fur. Highly effective at penetrating deep into the coat and removing malted hair that's shedding.

Remember to ALWAYS use positive reinforcement & high value treats to associate grooming with a good experience!